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Selected Articles and Essays


“‘In Extremis’: Unnatural Selection in Lifetime’s Speculative Fictions.” The Lifetime Network: Essays on “Television for Women” in the 21st Century. Ed. Emily Witsell and Emily L. Newman (McFarland, 2016)

“Becoming the Stories: Indefinite Play in Big Fish.” Tim Burton: Essays on the Films. Ed. Johnson Cheu (McFarland, 2016)

“‘The dream has become their reality’: Infinite Regression in Christopher Nolan’s Memento and Inception.” The Cinema of Christopher Nolan: Imagining the Impossible. Ed. Jacqueline Furby and Stuart Joy (Columbia University Press, 2015)

“Gray Matter: The Malleability of Intelligence in Fringe.” Genius on Television: Essays on Small Screen Depictions of Big Minds. Ed. Ashley Lynn Carlson (McFarland, 2015)

“At the ‘corner of no and where’: River’s Unmappable Body in the Firefly/Serenityverse.” Firefly Revisited: Essays on Joss Whedon’s Classic Series. Ed. Michael Goodrum and Philip Smith (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015)

"'Swan Song': The Art of Letting Go in Glee." Glee's "New Directions" for Social Change. Ed. Brian Johnson and Daniel Faill (Sense Publishers, 2015)

“Advanced Introduction to Liminality: Community on the Fringe.” A Sense of Community: Essays on the Television Series and Its Fandom. Ed. Ann-Gee Lee (McFarland, 2014)

“‘Transform, and twist, and change’: Deconstructing Coraline.” The Gothic Fairy Tale in Young Adult Literature: Essays on Stories from Grimm to Gaiman. Ed. Tanya Pell and Joe Abbruscato (McFarland, 2014)

“‘coming undone’: Entering Jorie Graham’s Poststructuralist Poetics.” South Atlantic Review 77.1-2 (2012): 34-57.

“‘It Aint Balanced Right’: Repositioning the Body in and of As I Lay Dying.” Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying. Ed. Patrick O’Donnell and Lynda Zwinger (MLA, 2011)

“‘There’s really nothing left to explore’: Imagineering, Innoventions, and Figments in Florida Studies.” Simulation in Media and Culture: Believing the Hype. Ed. Robin DeRosa (Lexington, 2011)

“‘I hear it’s best to play along’: The Poststructuralist Turn in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” Slayage: The Journal of the Whedon Studies Association 8.4 [32] (2011).

“‘This one’s broken’: Rebuilding Whedonbots and Reprogramming the Whedonverse.” Slayage: The Journal of the Whedon Studies Association 8.2-3 [30 & 31] (2010).

“Re-membering Beloved.” The Fiction and Prose of Toni Morrison: Teaching Race, Culture, and Identity. Ed. Jami Carlacio (NCTE, 2007)

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